Opt-in page to promote webinar

Design Brief: Create a brand-consistent opt-in landing page using provided copy for an upcoming online launch. The goal of this page was to build excitement and anticipation for a free event, capturing the interest of visitors and encouraging them to opt-in. To achieve this, my design featured eye-catching blocks that engage readers and guide them through the content seamlessly, ultimately convincing them to sign up. The opt-in will served as a gateway to offering a larger program with the company. I was also asked to create the logo seen on the page.

Outcome: The campaign successfully attracted between 500-700 opt-ins, with a show-up rate of approximately 35%, leading to 40 sales into the higher-end program. Promotion was ran through Facebook Ads, Organic Social media, email blasts and company website promotion, all sources had their own unique link allowing attribution tracking.

Landing Page created in Hubspot.


Welcome Packet